Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia Snowe (Maine), Judd Gregg (New Hampshire), Lamar Alexander (Tennessee), Richard Lugar (Indiana), Mel Martinez (Florida), George Voinovich (Ohio), Kit Bond (Missouri), and Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
The rest? They'd prefer to write off the Hispanic vote for a few generations. Whatever.
UPDATE: Interesting that 4 of the Republicans -- Bond, Gregg, Martinez, Voinovich -- voting for Sotomayor are retiring. Another 2 are moderate women (Collins, Snowe). And 1 is Hispanic (Martinez). That leaves 2 other Senate Republicans - Bond and Graham - who deserve credit for breaking from teh crazies in their party, bucking Rush and the NRA et al., and doing the right thing today. Thank you.
UPDATE #2: Creigh Deeds says, "I would like to congratulate Judge Sonia Sotomayor on her confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Sotomayor has clearly demonstrated that she has the experience, judgment and temperament to contribute to the integrity of the Court. This nomination is a testament to the opportunity of America and should be celebrated."