Waldo has the lowdown on the "bunch of characters" on the GOP side "lining up to challenge Rep. Perriello." According to Waldo, "any dope can up and declare they’re running for [C]ongress [and] they are, in spades, with many more coming, apparently." Ha. Other than that, Waldo has some choice words (including "mouth breather") for the Republicans who have expressed interest so far in taking on Tom Perriello. At this rate, maybe Tom doesn't have anything to worry about?
P.S. Also, see the
Charlottesville Daily Progress for its rundown of the potential Republican field and for some craaaaazy quotes by Feda Kidd Morton and Laurence Verga. Perhaps the best one is from Verga: "I’m very, very conservative...I’m not trying to be middle-of-the-road at all." Well, at least he admits it! :)