…We issued this invitation to Representative Nye about two months ago and he graciously accepted. We were looking forward to hearing about Representative Nye’s many accomplishments and challenges since he was sworn into office in early 2009. He has indeed represented the people of the Second District in a proud and professional manner. Saturday, August 22 was to have been a presentation about all his activities over the past eight months as well as the future that our country faces and the work he has yet to do. We were all very excited about this presentation on the disparate work being done.Congressman Nye has not scheduled a public Town Hall Meeting. However, yesterday he did conduct a town hall for military personnel only at the Navy Exchange at Little Creek Naval Base in Virginia Beach.
However, for reasons that we do not know where or how they originated, this meeting with the VBDC has been extensively and broadly publicized as a "Glenn Nye Healthcare Town Hall Meeting". There have been considerable e-mails publicizing this misinformation and the local press has called Congressman Nye’s local office seeking additional information on his Healthcare Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, 22 August at Mom’s Kitchen. Additionally, Mom’s Kitchen has had several inquiries and groups have stated their intention to bring considerable numbers of individuals to the breakfast. As we all know, our twice-monthly breakfast, always with a speaker, was never publicized as a Town Hall Meeting and was never intended to be such. It is now, and will continue to be, an informal meeting of the VBDC.
All of this being considered, as well as the limited numbers of individuals that Mom’s Kitchen can, by local law, accommodate, VBDC has asked Congressman Nye to cancel his presentation on subject date. His office has accepted and understands our situation. We apologized to Congressman Nye and we apologize to everyone who was looking forward to hearing his remarks and asking pertinent questions…
Cross posted at Blue Commonwealth
Local reaction: VBDems - Blogging our way to Democratic wins in Virginia Beach!