Racism? Check. Threats of Violence? Check. Anti-Semitism? Check.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Stay classy, tea-bagging, "don't tread on me" dittoheads! Seriously, though, is this nasty, vile, pathetic woman really representative of what our country - or at least the right side of the political spectrum - has come to? This is how "conservatives" express their disagreement with health care reform, not by debating it on the merits (where they'd lose big time, of course, since they don't have a clue what they're talking about), but by yelling "Heil Hitler" at a Jewish man from Israel (for the sin of praising Israel's national health care system)? I'd just love to see this woman go to Israel and pull this crap...should be fun to watch in a country where almost everyone's had military training (and - conservative dream come true - where everyone's armed to the teeth). Ha.
P.S. For more on this story, see here and here and here.
UPDATE: Barney Frank demonstrates one way to deal with lunatics like these.