Across the room of crab, corn, three bean salad, and chicken feasters, you can make out Mathews County Democratic Committee Chair Cynthia Burton flanked by the evening's two speakers, Senator Northam and recently announced candidate for the 1st U.S. Congressional District, Scott Robinson. The Senator Deeds and Jody Wagner campaign representatives circulated, provided information (and popcorn), and answered questions from the attendees while learning the art of consuming blue shell crab.
"If we don't do something about transportation soon, we are going to be driving on dirt roads again." – Senator NorthamSenator Northam decried the lack of progress in the General Assembly on matters essential to Virginia's economy and public safety, highlighting the transportation woes as a prime example of the Republican obstructionism that is moving Virginia in reverse. Talk across the tables included discussion of other issues important to rural Virginians such as the national health care debate and the mean spirited attacks against President Obama. And while there is much comment about activist fatigue among insiders, one reassuring fact about the attendance here was that a whole lot of faces not seen in the four years I have attended beginning with the Webb campaign were in the crowd. Is there a new, reasonable silent majority developing?
Cross posted at Blue Commonwealth