I just finished reading Ken Cucinelli's
rambling, incoherent "letter" (in quotes to match Cooch's preferred style - lol) to Steve Shannon regarding Attorney General candidate debates. But far more interesting than Cooch's whining about the debate schedule is his howling over Shannon's dog. Check this out.
If you were so desperate to release a debate schedule with nonexistent dates, you should have just invited me to debate you in person while you were filming your debate with your dog.
I’m curious, how many takes did you have to go through until you got your dog to bark at just the right moment? Don’t you think the time you spent debating your dog would have been better spent speaking to voters about substantive issues they care about?
I ask you Steve, if you have enough time to be filming web ads with dogs, why don’t you have enough time to debate me before October?
Apparently, Cooch is really hot under his (dog?) collar about these debates, doggedly hounding (sorry) Steve Shannon in these dog days of summer. Unfortunately for Cooch, he's barking up the wrong tree here. The fact is, Steve Shannon has proposed plenty of debates, maybe not raining cats and dogs or anything, but still enough so that every dog in this fight can have his day. If Ken Cuccinelli really wants to make this an issue, all I have to say is, "sorry, but that dog don't hunt." In the end, I'm confident that there will be plenty of time for Cooch to practice his rabid brand of
"dog whistle politics" on the people (and pups) of Virginia. Heh.