

"You cannot beat a Republican by being one"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Great campaign advice to all Democrats from Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL).
You cannot beat a Republican by being one, people deserve a choice and they like a congressman with guts...People love to see a fighter who fights for them; that's what the Democratic Party traditionally meant, and that's the way it's gonna be. We ran on a campaign platform of change, that's what people expect from us, that's what we have to deliver.
And, I'd add, don't ever - EVER - run away from your party or its core principles. If you do that, you'll not only deserve to lose but you probably will lose. What this means is fighting for working people, for affordable and high-quality health care for all Americans, for protecting the environment, for economic fairness and social justice, for the common good, for government by/of/for the people. What this does not mean is constant kowtowing to corporate America' kissing the you-know-what of Big Carbon, Big Pharma, or Big Anyone Else; or listening too much to overpriced and (almost always) overrated campaign consultants. It means speaking from your heart and standing up for the 99% of us who aren't wealthy or powerful - particularly for the least wealthy and least powerful among us. That's what it means to be a Democrat, and if you forget that, you deserve to get your butt kicked by a real Republican. End of lecture.