

Q Poll: Americans Love Public Option, Like Obama, Hate GOP

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A new national poll by Quinnipiac University has good news if you're a fan of the public option, bad news if you're a Republican, and mixed news if you're Barack Obama. The key findings.

1. Americans support "for giving people the option of a government health insurance plan that competes with private plans" by a 61%-34% margin.

2. Americans say they want bipartisanship on this issue, with 57% saying "Congress should not approve a health care overhaul with only Democratic votes."

3. Americans are not happy with the GOP, giving the Republicans "their lowest grades since Obama was elected on several measures" (e.g, "Only 29 percent think Republicans on Capitol Hill are acting in good faith"; "Voters 53 – 25 percent have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party")

4. Mixed news for President Obama, with his approval rating in positive territory (50%-41%) - albeit not fantastic - and also basically unchanged since early August (50%-42%). Also, voters trust Obama more than the GOP on health care (by a 47%-31% margin). On the other hand, "voters oppose 47 – 40 percent President Barack Obama’s health care reform plan" (although they simultaneously "support key parts of the plan").

In sum, I'd say this is pretty good news for Barack Obama and for the public option, definitely bad news for the Republicans. True, people might not be thrilled with Democrats right now, but they certainly don't have much love for Republicans. Ah...American politics, gotta love it. :)