P.S. And just to warm up Creigh for the debate, Rush "Big, Fat Idiot" Limbaugh chimes in and calls Deeds a "Mealy-Mouthed Idiot." Stay classy, Rush!
8:01 - Judy Woodruff introduces the debate, says the "stakes are huge."
8:03 - Question to McD about economy, national policies. McD says economy is the most important issue. "All those presidents and all those governors have done some good things." "Invested in lower taxes?" Huh? This election is about job creation and economic development. My opponent has been one of the biggest tax increasers, that's the wrong policy. Bashes cap and trade.
Creigh - McD lies. Government sets a lot of the rules to creation of economic growth. Under Bill Clinton, we had strong economy. Bush policies undermined economic growth. Gilmore couldn't pass balanced budget. Mark Warner brought together "R" snd "D"s to pass historic budget reform, McD opposed it.
McD - Bashes Congress again. Doesn't answer the question.
Creigh - Bush policies were not good for the country. Obama's working hard to get us back on track.
8:08 - "Simple, three-part question" (ha) on wage discrimination against women.
Creigh - Will have most diverse administration, at least 50% women. I voted yes to equal pay, McD voted no. McD was member of Regent University's board, gave men preference in hiring.
McD - Married, raised 3 daughters, oldest was a platoon leader in Iraq - the ultimate working woman. Half of people on AG's senior staff were women. Of course I will support equal pay for equal work, continue executive order. Creigh knows this is backwards looking, negative.
8:12 - Question on Medicaid.
McD - I don't support the "federal option" for health care. (does he mean "public option?") We need a stronger, leaner management structure. Prosecute Medicaid fraud. Make the program work better. Good benefits at least possible cost to taxpayers.
Creigh - We're 1 of only 8 states that don't provide reimbursement for adult dental services. One of driving forces in our budget. Bob wants to talk about what's going on at federal level. We have to find ways to get control of health care costs in budget. Get control of fraud and abuse. Congress cannot afford to fail on health care reform. We have to provide competition, bring down costs. Better ways than federal government takeover (huh?). Proud that we're the best managed state in country...but our safety net is porous. We're a low tax state and we benefit from being a low tax state.
McD - Long term the solution is to get more employer-based health care coverage, more access to free clinics, keep tort costs down.
Question on census, redistricting.
Creigh - Make sure every single Virginian is counted. I've introduced bills to reform redistricting process...where the people elect their representatives. George Allen, Bill Bolling joined our coalition. Bob McDonnell refused, but now has had an election year conversion.
McD - Important to make sure our citizens fill out census forms consistent with their privacy rights. Will drive federal funding formulas. I support bipartisan redistricting, unlike my opponent I studied it for a while. Creigh had no interest in bipartisan redistricting while his party was in power, only after Republicans took over.
Question on state's infrastructure.
McD - Grew up in Fairfax County, lived in Virginia Beach, traffic congestion is very bad. We need to improve it. I'm the only candidate with a plan, very detailed, funding mechanisms (but don't raise taxes). Transportation is core function of government. My opponent still has no transportation plan, just put a commission together, only option is to raise taxes. That's the wrong philosophy.
Creigh - No quicker way to create jobs than fix transportation infrastructure. The 2007 plan was ruled unconstitutional, it was not a success story, I've got the only approach that's worked, the approach used by Gerald Baliles. The people of Virginia are sick and tired of sitting in traffic.
McD - What I hear is "no plan," just a work group and raising taxes.
Creigh - Newspapers say his plan is dishonest, "dead on arrival," "phony baloney."
Question on out-of-state donations.
Creigh - Virginia campaign contributions system is built on disclosure, transparency. I support federal style limits on campaign contributions in Virginia. Until system changes, I'll play by the rules.
McD - Has to do with trust in government. We should expand our disclosure laws. At VPAP, you can find out who's donating to which candidate. Most of my opponent's out of state donations comes from labor unions who want to undermine "right to work."
Question on education, how to pay for education plans.
McD - No better investment than education. I got several advanced degrees, kids went to public schools in Virginia. Turn around 72 schools that aren't accredited, more charter schools (Obama's right, Deeds is wrong).
Creigh - Higher education is the absolute key. Four $20 bills...couldn't even buy a biology book today. Efficiencies in state government, zero-based budgeting. Make higher education more affordable. Commit to 2 years of public service, we'll pay half your tuition.
Question on aging Virginia.
Creigh - I've been around older Virginians all my life. Prescriptions for low-income seniors. Protections for older Virginians in nursing facilities. Health care providers in medically underserved areas.
McD - This is personal to me, dad is Alzheimer's patient with cardiac issues. Baby boomers are graying. Organized one of best triad programs. Double tax credits for long-term care insurance. Increase penalties for those who prey upon seniors.
Question on climate change.
McD - It's evident we need to reduce carbon emissions. We also need to have more energy resources in Virginia - coal, natural gas, nuclear, offshore drilling, wind, solar, biomass. Green energy jobs tax credit. Carbon sequestration. Don't promote federal cap and trade energy tax, will drive up costs $1,700 a year for families. Deeds says he opposes it but he supports it.
Creigh - Bob continues to talk about cap and trade bill. It's just not true. He's lying. Climate change is real, I'll set a goal of 5% reduction in energy consumption. Give people a tax credit for energy efficiency devices. I've got a record on this, not just an election year conversion for me. Energy based research triangle.
McD - Every major editorial board has said Deeds' campaign is deceitful, dishonest. Deeds filled out Sierra Club's form, advocated for cap and trade.
Creigh - FactCheck.org says there's nothing will cost people $1,700 a year. I don't support legislation that passed House of Representatives.
Question on gun show loophole.
Creigh - 2nd amendment is important, proud of lifetime A rating from NRA. Virginia Tech shootings had dramatic effect on me. I'm proud I worked to come up with commonsense amendment that would not affect right to own a firearm.
McD - Can't imagine horror of Virginia Tech families. Gov. Kaine and I fixed the real problem by closing mental health loophole. NRA endorsed me. I don't support regulating private sales of firearms. Already instant background check. We already have a system that works well.
Creigh - We just disagree on this issue. Nothing wrong with a background check at a gun show, it's not a restriction on 2nd amendment rights.
McD - We improved mental health laws, that's the way to go.
Question on discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
McD - I support policies of non-discrimination. No other criteria than competence. Executive order was violation of separation of powers. I'll hire people solely based on merit.
Creigh - The executive order was constitutional, I'll renew it. McDonnell stood against the executive order. At Regent, McD supported policy with a blatant bias in favor of hiring men
Question about farmers.
Creigh - Grew up on a farm in Bath County, but there aren't many farmers anymore, not much money in agriculture. Need to do better job of marketing our products worldwide. "Buy fresh, buy local" is a huge opportunity. "The Omnivore's Dilemna." Make sure regulatory environment is friendly for farmers.
McD - Agriculture is largest industry in Virginia, many small farmers. Wine, peanuts, soybeans, pork. Promote markets for our great products. I worked to repeal inheritance tax, my opponent opposed that. I was endorsed by Virginia Farm Bureau. Detailed rural economic development plan. More taxation and regulation won't grow agriculture.
Creigh - Bogeyman he will always raise - taxes. I supported exempting farmers from inheritance tax.
McD - Creigh is all about raising taxes, won't help agriculture or anyone else.
Question about technology jobs.
McD - Got endorsement of NOVA technology council. We are the silicon Dominion. People in Southside are hurting. Job creation is key.
Creigh - Candidate McDonnell talks about job creation, but legislator McDonnell never introduced a bill to create a job. I want to create opportunity, hope in every corner of Virginia. We need smartest workforce. Broadband internet in every community in state.
Closing statements
McD - Which candidate has best vision, ideas. I've talked to people all over Virginia, heard their concerns. Sen. Deeds and I have very different view on growing economy. He's a supporter of higher taxes, spending. I think we need to make government simpler, more accountable. He's ambivalent about Washington programs. Positive vision to grow economy. Energy capital of east coast. More college degrees. 33 years in public life. 90% of my bills as AG passed. Will use that experience to be good, effective governor.
Creigh - Great Uncle Frank said, "boys, you're gonna get out of this camp exactly what you put into it." That's the lesson of life. You're either all in or you're not in at all. Opportunity, prosperity and hope all across Virginia. I'm not the most eloquent speaker, but like Harry Truman, I work hard to get things done. Will pass transportation plan. College scholarship to every student with B. Will govern in mold of Mark Warner, Tim Kaine. McD has had a serious makeover, but has always had a rigid social agenda.
UPDATE 9:55 pm: Gotta agree with Larry Sabato, "Let's just put it this way: I saw nothing that would change the direction of this election." I also agree with Not Larry Sabato, "Yawn. No big news tonight." How often do you get to agree with Larry Sabato AND Not Larry Sabato in one evening? :)
UPDATE 10:03 pm: Bob McDonnell is a smooth-talking liar who has nothing to offer except stale Republican talking points about how Democrats will (supposedly) raise your TAXESTAXESTAXES (did he mention TAXES?!?!?) and how he will bring prosperity through some variant on trickle down/supply side/Bush-o-nomics. Yeah, and if you believe that...
Meanwhile, Creigh is the opposite of smooth, and although I strongly disagree with him on cap and trade, he'd make an infinitely superior governor to Pat Robertson's Manchurian Candidate. Unfortunately, I get the distinct feeling that Democrats are asleep right now and that Republicans are fired up after getting whomped in Virginia (and nationally) from 2005 to 2008. If that's the case - Democrats asleep and Republicans fired up - in three weeks, "Barefoot and Pregnant Bob" will be our next governor, and Virginia will stake a giant step backwards in pretty much every way...