I just received the following press release from the Virginia Tech Families for Truth & Accountability. The letter slams Del. Dave Albo (R-Abuser Fees and Booze), for lying to the Virginia Tech families about closing the "gun show loophole." The letter concludes with a harsh (but true) slam against Albo:
"If anyone is guilty of exploiting the tragedy—a tragedy that all of us live with every day—it is you." With that, here's the press release.
A group of families of victims and survivors of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, Virginia Tech Families for Truth & Accountability, today released an open letter condemning Republican Delegate Dave Albo for "deceptive political maneuvers" in his failure to help them reduce gun violence in Virginia.
The families supported the recommendation of the Virginia Tech Review Panel to close the gun show loophole and require background checks on all purchasers at a gun show. Albo initially voiced his support for this issue in public and in private, to the victims families. However, his actions as Chairman of the Virginia State Crime Commission belied his words and revealed that he was interested not in helping them, but in scoring partisan political points.
"Dave Albo led us to believe that he would help us enact common sense legislation to prevent another tragedy," said Omar Samaha, brother of victim Reema Samaha. "Instead, he played partisan games to help kill our hopes of keeping guns out of the hands of felons and those adjudicated mentally ill. Now, we're trying to tell our story, and Dave Albo is calling us liars. My sister Reema deserved better than this. Fairfax County residents deserve better than Dave Albo."
"After our daughter was shot at Virginia Tech, we wanted to do something to spare others the pain of gun violence," said Lori Haas, mother of survivor Emily Haas. "Dave Albo told us to 'just forget it.' His constituents need to know the truth about his record."
Members of the group include: Andrew Goddard, father of survivor Colin Goddard; Lori Haas, mother of survivor Emily Haas; Peter Read, Lt. Col, USAF (Ret.), father of victim Mary Read; Joe Samaha, father of victim Reema Samaha; and Omar Samaha, Brother of Reema