"I think it's a real concern, and we need to find ways to be able to reduce (carbon dioxide) emissions," McDonnell said in advocating development of technology to eliminate pollutants from coal-fired energy plants.And no words of encouragement from Senator McCain reported? Maybe, just maybe the concerns we Democrats have voiced about voter turnout are shared by the other guys. Between the political fatigue after the Bush years and the negative campaigning, the results may be harder to pin than we or the polls have pretended. Dropping in on the pancake breakfast John Bell’s campaign was hosting this morning, there had been more attendees there than the Senator McCain energized McDonnell rally could draw. More anomalies this election season than Ayn Rand could metaphor in ten thousand pages.
When asked to clarify whether he believes that global warming is scientific fact, however, he hedged.
"Well, there's some debate that various scientists are going on in that," he said. "I think the temperature of the earth, from the science I've seen, is going up."
Cross posted at Blue Commonwealth