This is worth quoting (btw, note the totally biased questions by the Fox News hack):
Fox News faux-"journalist": Not one single yeah vote from Republicans in the House, Congressman Connolly, why is that, are Democrats not willing to bend?Sadly, "just repeating" the Big Lie seems to be the entire Republican strategy these days, whether it's on health care, global warming, Bob McDonnell's far-right record, tax policy, you name it. The question is, why does anyone listen to them?
Connolly: No, I don't think it has anything to do with Democrats. I think it has to do with Republican leadership, that just like on the stimulus has decided in advance, no matter what's in the health care reform bill, they're against it. That's a political move, Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina at least was honest enough to admit that if we defeat health care we break the presidency of Barack Obama, he referred to it as his potential Waterloo. That's what's going on, it's not honest, and it's really tragic for the country that the Republicans have decided not to play."
Fox News faux-"journalist": ...specifically, the public option, [Republicans] say that it's going to result in millions of Americans losing their current coverage - nobody wants to lose their current coverage - and nobody wants to pay more, and Republicans say that it's going to add hundreds of billions to our national debt...
Gerry Connolly: ...I take direct issue with the characterization of the public option plan. The CBO - the Congressional Budget Office - itself has pointed out that the public option contained in the House bill actually will save money and will bring down the is in fact deficit neutral...[Fox News faux "journalist" tries to interrupt] now wait a minute, just repeating it - I'm gonna finish this sentence - just repeating it doesn't make it so.