Great event [yesterday] evening in Loudoun County. Creigh Deeds stopped in to O'Faolains and greeted about seventy-five supporters who braved the bad weather to come out and show their support. He was right on message and spoke to voters about issues important to Virginians including creating jobs, transportation and the importance of education for our state. He was adamant that he will not allow social issues to get in his way of getting work done for our state and as governor he will concentrate on working on issues that are relevant and important to all Virginians.

Creigh delivered a very strong message tonight. He has a ton of support in Loudoun and Western Fairfax counties. I'm glad that I was able to be at this event and intend to work as hard as I can to see that Creigh Deeds is the next governor of Virginia. Delegate Dave Poisson also gave a rousing speech and it was great to see Senator Mark Herring and also Stevens Miller, who is poised to beat Tom Rust on November 3rd.