

Behind the Scenes at "Live the Thesis"

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Green Miles hosted a "Live the Thesis" party recently, inviting friends to dress & act like they'd be expected to under the 1950s-era social beliefs of Bob McDonnell's thesis. Women expected to know their role, gays expected to straighten up, and married couples expected to follow instructions from the state on what they can & can't do in the bedroom.

The evening was capped off with dramatic readings of select passages from the thesis. I'm not saying some of the performances were hindered by the fact that people had a few drinks by that point, but ... well, let's just say some would've been heavily mocked by Sheila Johnson.

We also raised a couple of hundred dollars for the Arlington Joint Campaign. Not a huge amount, but considering how many of the partiers were unemployed or under-employed thanks to the economic policies of George W. Bush (fully supported by Bob McDonnell), it was a nice haul.