According to Gallup:
...Americans are now about as concerned about Iran's and North Korea's nuclear capabilities and drug violence in Mexico as they are about the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and international terrorism in general. At least 8 in 10 Americans express some level of concern about each.I guess there's always something to worry about, but some of this stuff - North Korea's and Iran's nuclear programs, for instance - is truly scary stuff.
By the way, there's a significant partisan divide here, with Democrats less concerned than Republicans about every single one of these issues. For instance, 70% of Republicans are concerned about Iran's nuclear capabilities, compared to just 50% of Democrats, a 20-point difference. On international terrorism and North Korea's nuclear capabilities, Republicans are more concerned by a 21-point margin over Democrats. Even on Iraq, Republicans are more concerned by 3 points overall. My personal theory on why this might be is that Republicans are generally more attuned to external threats than Democrats. Any other ideas?