Tonight, McDonnell's once again hanging out with a divider.

This time it's George Allen, infamous not just for calling S.R. Siddarth "macaca," but also for welcoming him to the "real" part of Virginia, and implying that people who live "inside the Beltway" are not "real" Virginians. Yet McDonnell somehow thinks that we're supposed to believe that he's a "moderate" who cares about all Virginians, including ones who live "insider the Beltway?" To paraphrase McDonnell's pal Mike Huckabee, I guess residents of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, Alexandria, Falls Church, etc. just don't think the same way folks like George Allen and Bob McDonnell think. :)
Perhaps it's a good time to remind Bob McDonnell of a quote by his friend George Allen back in 2006: "You can tell a lot about someone by those they keep company with." Now, I don't usually think George Allen is a great man of wisdom, but on this one I think he's onto something. We'll see who else's company Bob McDonnell decides to keep as this campaign proceeds...