1. Earlier today, they filed 15,942 petition signatures and will be on the June 9 primary ballot.
2. Anita Kumar reports that Creigh will not attend next week's Shad Planking, "a longtime Virginia tradition where politicians come to see and be seen."
Regarding item #1, congratulations to Creigh for getting on the ballot! I don't agree with Creigh on several key issues, but he's a great guy and a class act, by far and away my second choice for the Democratic nomination after Terry McAuliffe.
Regarding item #2, good move by the Deeds campaign to not waste their limited resources trying to win a sign war with Brian and Terry. Instead, Creigh's smarter to spend his time touring southwestern Virginia (where he has to win by a big margin) with Congressman Boucher. All I have to say is, Deeds and his campaign manager Joe Abbey are two smart cookies. (and no, this does NOT mean that Creigh is pulling out of the race)