This definitely caught my eye:
In some promising "green jobs" news, the wind industry in the U.S. has now officially surpassed the coal mining industry in the number of people it employs. Wind industry jobs increased to 85,000 in 2008 while the coal industry remained the same at about 81,000 jobs.
That's right, wind officially employs more people in this country than coal, and the trends are going in the opposite directions. By the way, for those who seem to think that mountaintop removal creates jobs, consider the fact that this is a highly mechanized (e.g., capital intensive, labor NON-intensive) activity. How many people does it take to blow up a mountain? Not many. How many people does it take to transform our energy economy to one that's efficient, clean, well integrated, "smart," etc? Millions. Which do you prefer? Oh yeah, and which industry - wind or coal - is going to be the jobs engine of the future? Hint: it's not the dirty black stuff.