

Signer Shows How to Use YouTube

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Live from the car, driving through Franklin, Mike Signer demonstrates exactly how candidates should be using YouTube in order to let people feel connected to their campaigns. In Netroots Rising, this is exactly what Tim Tagaris talked about doing for Paul Hackett during the summer of 2005:
I drove down to Batavia, Ohio. The first post I wrote is that the campaign headquarters for Paul Hackett and Jean Schmidt were across the street from each other. What we ended up doing on the Hackett campaign nationally, was really to make people feel like they were in Batavia, Ohio, literally there sitting next to me at campaign headquarters. To do this, we used video, pictures, colorful text, with the most colorful of candidates.
Of course, that was in the pre-YouTube era (seems like an eternity ago), but the concept is the same; if you've got an appealing, articulate, natural candidate, you definitely don't want to hide them away somewhere. That's why these Signer "coffee break" videos are working so well and helping him build a netroots campaign. Nice job, guys!

UPDATE: Here's another good one.