Virginia's Democratic-controlled state Senate passed measures Monday that would make it illegal to require individuals to purchase health insurance, a direct challenge to the party's efforts in Washington to reform health care.Aside from being really, really disgusted with the "Democratic" State Senators who voted for this trash, I have a few questions.
The bills, a top priority of Virginia's "tea party" movement, were approved 23 to 17 as five Democrats who represent swing areas of the state joined all 18 Republicans in the chamber in backing the legislation
1. Did these conservative Democrats vote for this monstrosity out of principle or simply because they're scared politically in their "swing" districts?
2. Why did Majority Leader Dick Saslaw allow this bill to get out of committee in the first place? I could have sworn that Democrats controlled the State Senate, and that this was supposed to be such a great thing. Hmmmm.
3. Specifically, did Saslaw fail to whip competently? Couldn't he even have gotten Senator Colgan to...ummm, I dunno...have to dust his office or something at that time?
The bottom line is that this allowing a Tea Party priority to pass was a major failure by the Democratic-"controlled" State Senate and its "leadership." I agree 100% with Gerry Connolly that a vote like this "doesn't make it easier" for his reelection, or I'd add for Tom Perriello's either. I also agree with Connolly that "It's always easier in the political arena to pontificate and pander than it is to actually deliver meaningful legislation and services." In this case, "pontificate and pander" as opposed to "deliver meaningful legislation and services" is exactly what happened.