

Clarence Thomas Doesn't "Embrace" Bill of Rights

Monday, April 13, 2009

How can this loser possibly be on the Supreme Court?
...Justice Thomas did not embrace the document, and he proposed a couple of alternatives.

‘Today there is much focus on our rights," Justice Thomas said. "Indeed, I think there is a proliferation of rights."

"I am often surprised by the virtual nobility that seems to be accorded those with grievances," he said. "Shouldn’t there at least be equal time for our Bill of Obligations and our Bill of Responsibilities?"
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, a Republican president named "Bush" put him there. In all seriousness, this is what happens when Republicans are in charge; we end up with people who have nothing but contempt for our system of government in charge of that government. We need to make sure that never happens again. We specifically need to make sure that the next several nominees to the Supreme Court are made by a Democratic president. If not, we could end up with more justices like Clarence Thomas who don't "embrace" the Bill of Rights. No thanks.