Tim Kaine issued the following statement today regarding the shooting death of a private security officer at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.
I am saddened and troubled by the news this afternoon that a private security guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC was shot and killed by a self-identified white supremacist. Stephen Tyrone Johns gave his life today in the protection of an institution dedicated to promoting tolerance and understanding of a critical period in the history of the world—and my heart goes out to his family and loved ones for their loss.
As we continue to receive information about this terrible shooting, we are necessarily reminded that hate crimes persist—both in this great nation and across the globe. Likewise, we as citizens must remain vigilant in the protection of those organizations that advocate for compassion and charity in the face of hatred.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Johns family tonight. I urge my fellow Virginians to join me in expressing condolences for this tragedy.
I can't wait to hear Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly et al. telling us how this was just an isolated incident, how there is no such thing as right-wing terrorism, blah blah blah.