*"The voters of Virginia are going to be given a very clear choice between two candidates that have very different visions for the way the Commonwealth's future is portrayed."
That's right, Congressman, we're going to have the choice between adhering to the rigid, right-wing Republican ideology of McDonnell and Cuccinelli or continuing along with a pragmatic Democratic approach to running the Commonwealth. True, it's a tough choice, but I think we're up to it! :)
*"On the one hand, you've got Bob McDonnell with a demonstrated record in the Attorney General's office, somebody who has proven to be a leader that will stand up for working families in Virginia..."
Oh right, when I think of Bob McDonnell, the first thing that springs to my mind is standing up for working families in Virginia. Rich families and powerful corporations? Sure. Working families? Uh, with all due respect Congressman, I think that's the other party. :)
*"On the other hand, you've got Creigh Deeds...calling for higher taxes and calling for more spending..."
Blah blah blah blah, don't these guys ever change their tired old talking points? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
*"Creigh Deeds is certainly a tough opponent, but he is somebody who has obviously demonstrated his allegiance to higher taxes and more spending; he has not taken a position on the issue of workers' rights to a secret ballot..."
See previous comment. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
*"Creigh Deeds has already sided against the working families of Virginia..."
Oh yes, I trust Bob McDonnell MUCH more to help Virginia's working families than Creigh Deeds. Hahahahahahahaha.
*"...with Tim Kaine essentially abdicating his day job to become the chief political officer for the national Democratic Party. You see that in his positions vis-a-vis the Guantanamo Bay detainee issue; where's Creigh Deeds on that? You know, I mean we have to put Virginians' safety first..."
I love the smell of demagoguery and fearmongering in the morning, it smells like...Virginia Republicans. LOL