"Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States" Report Issued
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
To read the full report, "Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States,"released earlier today, please click here. Key points from the executive summary are: 1) "warming of the climate is unequivocal"; 2) it's "due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases" (suck it, climate change deniers!); 3) "Climate changes are underway in the United States and are projected to grow:; 4) climate change will "stress water resources," harm crop and livestock production, cause coastal areas to be "at increasing risk from sea-level rise and storm surge," present increased "risks to human health;" and 5) cross other thresholds, "leading to large changes in climate and ecosystems." Is that enough to get you motivated? If so, then please take action per the Wilderness Society's email below. Thanks.
A major new report on global warming released today concludes that global warming is real, it is human caused, and we must take action now to address it. This multi-agency science report makes clear the time for debate is long past. It's time for action.
The first opportunity comes next week when the House is expected to vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454), sponsored by Representatives Waxman (D-CA) and Markey (D-MA).
Today's report demonstrates beyond any doubt that protecting our natural resources from the impacts of climate change must begin now if we are to avoid catastrophic effects to natural systems and the people, animals, and plants that depend on them.
Our forests, rivers, oceans, and wild lands, so important to wildlife, are critical to human health as well, providing clean air and water, and capturing and storing global warming pollution. To avoid the worst impacts predicted in this report, safeguarding our natural resources is more important now than ever.
We must convince those still wavering in the House to vote for this bill. Please take action now.
The purpose of Blue Virginia is to cover Virginia politics from a progressive and Democratic perspective. This is a group blog, founded by me (Lowell Feld), but now including several other progressive writers. I can't speak for the other "front pagers," but I consider myself a progressive in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, JFK, RFK and actually a bunch of progressive Republicans (e.g., Jacob Javits, Lowell Weicker). As such, I believe in expanding opportunities to all, utilizing government as a tool to promote the general welfare and the common good, protecting the environment for ourselves and for future generations, and expanding the rights promised in our Constitution and Bill of Rights to all Americans.
I invite everyone to comment here, but please be aware that profanity, personal attacks, bigotry, and "trolling" are not allowed. Thanks, and enjoy!
P.S. You can contact me at lowell@raisingkaine.com