7:14 pm: 94 precincts reporting; Deeds 4,948 (54.1%), Moran 2,110 (23.1%), McAuliffe 2,089 (22.8%)
7:20 pm: 324 precincts; Deeds 20,797 (53.0%), McAuliffe 9,289 (23.7%), Moran 9,183 (23.4%). Deeds leading in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th CD's. Moran leading in the 8th, Terry leading in the 3rd.
7:29 pm: 623 precincts; Deeds 36,046 (51.1%), McAuliffe 17,473 (24.8%), Moran 17,019 (24.1%). Deeds leading Moran in Arlington County.
UPDATE: With about one-quarter of precincts reporting, turnout is just 1.4%. That implies around 5%-6% turnout when all is said and done. Lame.
7:44 pm: 1,001 precincts; Deeds 57,178 (50.5%), McAuliffe 29,063 (25.7%), Moran 27,056 (23.9%). This does NOT look good for McAuliffe or Moran.
7:52 pm: 1,395 precincts (56%); Deeds 80,742 (50.2%), McAuliffe 41,483 (25.8%), Moran 38,560 (24.0%). This is starting to look like an insurmountable lead for Deeds.
8:04 pm: With 67% of precincts reporting, it's Deeds at 49.9%, McAuliffe 26.2%, and Moran 23.9%.
8:21 pm: With 78% of precincts reporting, it's Deeds 49.8%, McAuliffe 26.5%, Moran 23.8%.
At this point, it's time for Democratic unity and for Creigh Deeds to kick Bob McDonnell's right-wing butt. Go Creigh! :)
UPDATE: At 8:06 pm, Terry McAuliffe called Creigh Deeds to concede, said he would be behind Deeds 110% because Deeds will be "unquestionably better than Bob McDonnell."