7:16 pm: 123 precincts reporting; Wagner 7,578 (69.7%), Signer 2,695 (24.8%). Wagner is leading in all CD's, except for the 11th where there are no results reported yet.
UPDATE: NLS calls it for Jody Wagner. It sure looks that way.
7:29 pm: 598 precincts reporting; Wagner 45,089 (73.5%), Signer 13,605 (22.2%)
7:45 pm: 1,103 precincts reporting (44%); Wagner 84,572 (73.4%), Signer 25,464 (22.1%).
7:48 pm: 1,221 precincts reporting (49%); Wagner 94,108 (73.5%), Signer 28,267 (22.1%)
UPDATE: This one is definitely over. Jody Wagner is the LG nominee for the Democrats.
8:04 pm: With 66% of precincts reporting, Wagner has 73.8%, Signer 21.6%.
8:24 pm: With 78% of precincts reporting, Wagner leads Signer 155,627 (73.9%) to 45,348 (21.5%). Wow.