Thank you, Deeds campaign; because of you guys, we now no longer have a great public servant named Bobby Mathieson in the Virginia House of Delegates. Great job!
Virginia State Delegate Bobby Mathieson announced he had conceded the race for the 21st District of the House of Delegates to Delegate-Elect Ron Villanueva after a recount determined a final margin of 16 votes out of 15,365 total votes cast. Mathieson discussed the conclusion of the recount and the importance of the electoral process. He also focused on his lifetime of service alongside cops, teachers and firefighters and expressed his continued commitment to middle class families in Virginia Beach.
“First of all, I want to thank the judges and the election officials who made this recount run so smoothly. Our faith in democracy rests on openness and transparency. I asked for this recount to ensure that every single legally cast ballot got counted fairly in an open and transparent manner. The electoral process has now played itself out, and we now know who won the most votes in this critical race to serve the public,” said Mathieson. “This process has shown the importance of getting actively involved in our democracy and has demonstrated just how much every single vote counts.”
“I want to thank my supporters for standing by me during the campaign and during this recount. A special thanks goes to my family, who have always supported me throughout my lifetime of dedication to public service. I’ve served in uniform, and I’ve fought to protect Virginia Beach families and to protect those who protect Virginia Beach families. I’ve stood side by side with cops, teachers, firefighters and the middle class families who make this city great,” said Mathieson. “I just called Delegate-Elect Villanueva to congratulate him on his hard-fought victory. I asked him to keep these heroes in mind as he serves us in Richmond. They are the true backbone of our society, and they need us to keep fighting for them every day.”
“I know our fight is not over, no matter who is in charge in Richmond. We still need to work hard to help the middle class. To keep our fiscal discipline during these tough times. To keep Virginia Beach a good place to run a business and a great place to raise a child.
“Thousands of voters placed their trust in me to fight for them, and I will never stop fighting to protect and serve the public and the great challenges we face.”