Thanks to Eugene Robinson for pointing out both the newsletter you see above and also the administrative order Governor Sarah Palin signed in September 2007, setting up a "Sub-Cabinet" to deal with the "global challenge" of climate change. In doing so, Palin leapt ahead of many other governors, including our own Democratic governor right here in Virginia, by calling for the "preparation and implementation of an Alaska climate change strategy." That's impressive.
Just as impressive, if not more so, is the urgency with which Palin addressed climate change, calling for her state "to participate in carbon-trading markets;" recognizing the "potential benefits of Alaska participating in regional, national, and international climate policy agreements and greenhouse gas registries;" emphasizing the importance of "expanded use of alternative fuels, energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, land use management, and transportation planning;" and of course "informing, and generating a dialogue with the public regarding climate change in Alaska."
You know, I'm really starting to like that Governor Palin...or should I say Governor Green Miles? Heh. But seriously, what ever happened to that Sarah Palin, the one based in reality and not in Tea Party la-la land? Eugene Robinson explains:
I predict we'll see more artful dodges of this kind from Palin. She made any number of pragmatic, reasonable, smart decisions as governor -- and now, it seems, will be obliged to renounce them all. Her tea-party legions have one answer -- a shouted "No!" -- for every question.Or, as a commenter to Robinson's article wrote, "Palin's schtick is to jump on every weird and moronic Tea Party outrage that comes up every two weeks." That's too bad; I miss the old Sarah Palin, the one who signed that progressive, super-environmentalist administrative order in September 2007.
Palin knows better, but she has to fiddle her followers' chosen tune -- not while Rome burns, but while Nome melts.
P.S. Maybe we can get William Shatner to read Palin's administrative order and newsletter (both set to bongo drums, of course) on Saturday Night Live?