... [Fairfax County Supervisor Pat Herrity's] entrance into the race could set up a possible primary battle with Keith S. Fimian, the Oakton businessman who was soundly defeated by Connolly in 2008. Fimian, 53, announced his decision to run again this summer.Based on this, two things appear to be the case: 1) Pat Herrity hasn't fully decided whether or not he's running; and 2) Keith Fimian is not dropping out regardless. Obviously, this situation could change, but that's how it looks right now.
Herrity said he spoke to Fimian on Monday night and that he assured him that he wouldn't "find out about his decision from a blog."
So if Herrity enters the race, will Fiman bow out?
"No way," Fiman said. "I'm in this to win and to beat Gerry Connolly."
Among the things Herrity is also considering, according to Republican officials: If Herrity loses, it could leaving lasting damage on his political career, as it would be his second loss since 2008. Fimian says he expects Herrity to run for board chairman again in 2011. "Fairfax County needs strong leadership," he said.
P.S. This morning, Chris at Mason Conservative endorsed Keith Fimian for the nomination. Chris writes that Fimian "is tapping into real conservative solutions facing this country," that he is "the consrvative candidate," and that "comments on other blog posts are full of anonymous comments from the the radical moderates that fill much of the party infrastructure in this area who are no doubt hostile to Fimian and his embrace of tea party activist conservatism." This is going to be fun to watch, that's all I can say. :)