As if exit polls indicating that Virginia voters
did not vote based on their approval or disapproval of Barack Obama, combined with
analysis like this, weren't enough to kill the idiotic "meme" that Creigh Deeds lost the Virginia governor's election "because of Barack Obama," how about
... I've found the data point that ends the argument for me.
On April 15th Obama's national approval rating in Gallup was 63%. A Rasmussen poll that day showed Bob McDonnell leading Creigh Deeds 45-30 and a Quinnipiac poll showed Chris Christie leading Jon Corzine 45-38.
Those guys were getting creamed at the height of Obama's popularity. Jon Corzine and Creigh Deeds lost because of Jon Corzine and Creigh Deeds, not Barack Obama. No President is so amazingly popular that he can magically make leads of that magnitude disappear.
End of story. Idiotic meme killed dead. Now, back to more important matters...like stopping garbage like
this. :)