

Video: Bob McDonnell on How He Won the Election

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bob McDonnell on how he won the governor's election:

1. Identified the important issues (economy, "pocketbook") early and laid out "detailed plans" to deal with them.
2. "I brought in very, very good people..."
3. "We made a key focus on grassroots efforts."
4. "We used technology very effectively...great use of Facebook...spent about 8% of our total advertising budget on online media, banner ads..."
5. "We ran a reasonably positive campaign...we tried to be as positive as we can about what a future Virginia looks like."

So, basically, McDonnell laid out his personal and political narrative with skill and discipline, talked about what people cared about, harnessed the energy of the Republican/conservative grassroots and netroots, utilized technology, and stayed generally positive. No, it's not rocket science, but it's apparently not easy to do either, as evidenced by the Deeds campaign, which basically failed in all these areas.

By the way, do you notice something missing here? That's right, Bob McDonnell doesn't say nothing about his win stemming from the national political climate, Barack Obama, the Democratic Congress, health care reform, etc.

h/t: Adam Rhew