*"64% of Democratic Obama voters and 58% of Independent Obama voters said Deeds was 'not progressive enough' compared to only 8% of Democrats and 16% of Independent Obama voters who said he was 'too far to the left.'" But, but, but...Deeds' pollster David Petts said it was all about running away from Obama and national Democratic policies. Duhhhhhhhhh.
*"88% of Democratic Obama voters and 80% of Independent Obama voters favor a public health insurance option to compete with private insurance plans. 93% of those polled said health care is 'very' or 'somewhat' important when they vote." So what did Deeds do? That's right, he said he'd strongly consider "opting out" of the public health insurance option, supported by 80% of Obama voters. Brilliant!
*Oh yeah, and the poll also showed that Deeds' comments on the public option made 41% of Obama voters "less excited" to vote for him, with only 6% (bizarrely) becoming "more excited."
Any further questions on why we got our butts kicked in this election?