Norfolk's New Journal and Guide endorses Terry McAuliffe for governor, closely following endorsements from the Richmond Free Press and Richmond Voice. Here's an excerpt (bolding added for emphasis):
McAuliffe is cut from the same cloth as former Governor Mark Warner, whose success at the state level moved him onto the national scene where he now sits in the U.S. Senate. Terry has already had a day at the national level as the head of the National Democratic Party where his genius and fundraising skills helped get President Bill Clinton elected.
Now Terry McAuliffe wants to bring that level of business expertise to Virginia's state house.
Both Terry and Mark are skilled businessmen who know how to make a payroll happen-important in today's troubled economy and high unemployment rates.
New Journal and Guide is impressed with Terry's enthusiasm and eagerness to improve the quality of life of all the people in Virginia. He is focused, energetic, and hopeful, qualities sorely needed by our local, state and national leaders as we move our country out of its depression.
We are especially impressed with his keeping the high road in a political campaign that has threatened at times to get downright dirty.