Jody Wagner for LG:
I'm very excited for this Saturday's Democratic Unity Rally in Williamsburg - I'll be there with Creigh Deeds, Steve Shannon, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine and Jim Webb to kick off the general election campaign.
Our ticket and our Democratic statewide elected officials exemplify the spirit of progress and bipartisanship that have been so successful in moving Virginia forward. Our opponents, up and down the ticket, have fought Governors Warner and Kaine every step of the way.
That makes this rally such a great opportunity to show the contrast between opportunity and obstruction, and I hope you'll join us to send our message loud and clear.
If you're available to join our volunteer team for the event, please let us know here - we'd love your help passing out stickers and signing up supporters and volunteers.
P.S. The event is at the William and Mary Alumni House, 500 Richmond Road in Williamsburg, at noon.