The other day, I was happy to see Bobby Jindal - albeit the fact that he's a nutjob himself, not to mention a nutjob who's going nowhere in 2016 - eviscerate Donald Trump as the "narcissist," "egomaniac," "unstable "carnival act" that Trump is. I'm also happy to see former NY Gov. George Pataki rip Trump this morning for his xenophobia, misosyny, and utter unfit-ness to be president (or any other elective office in America). Now, the question is, when are other 2016 Republican candidates ("JEB!", Walker, Christie, etc.) - and Republican "leadership" more broadly (I'm looking at you, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Reince Preibus, state GOP party chairs, conservative opinion leaders, etc) going to call out Trump and pledge not to support him for president? Until they do that, I'm going to assume that they don't share the "dignity and the principles that the GOP was founded upon." Of course, given that the REST of the GOP is filled with puppets of the Koch brothers like Scott Walker, extremist theocrats like Mike Huckabee, all-around nutjobs like Ben Carson, plutocrats like "JEB!" and Joe McCarthy-style demagogues like Ted Cruz, I wouldn't |