The NRA's Virginia grades are out, and they are a great guide for who Virginia voters should NOT elect on November 3. That is, unless you're one of the small minority of Virginians who agrees with the gun lobby. For instance, see this Quinnipiac poll of Virginians. Here are a few highlights:*"By an overwhelming 92-7 percent, Virginia voters support background checks for people who buy guns at gun shows." *"58-39 percent support for a national ban on assault weapons" *"59-37 percent support for banning high capacity ammunition magazines" *"62-27 percent that allowing people to own assault weapons makes the country more dangerous" *"66-31 percent oppose allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons in the classroom" *"Gun control laws in Virginia should be more strict, 49 percent of registered voters say, while 6 percent say less strict and 42 percent feel laws should remain the same." Also note that the NRA Board of Directors is filled with extremists and unsavory characters (to put it mildly) like Oliver "Convicted Iran-Contra Ex-Felon" North, Ted "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun" Nugent, Grover "Drown Government in the Bathtub" Norquist, etc. 'Nuff said about the NRA, except that getting an "A" rating from this group should be a clear signal not to vote for the person getting the high grade. Now, to the Virginia candidates in contested elections who you most definitely should NOT vote for this November. Senate District 1: Republican Mark Matney (NRA Grade: A) District 6: Republican Richard Ottinger (NRA Grade: B), although note that Democrat Lynwood Lewis has a high grade ("B") as well...not good. District 7: Republican Frank Wagner (NRA Grade: A), who is also a corrupt tool of Dominion as an added bonus. District 8: Republican Bill DeSteph (NRA Grade: A), who is also a raving Islamophobe to boot. District 10: Republican Glen Sturtevant (NRA Grade: A), who pretends to be moderate but is anything but. District 11: Republican Amanda Chase (NRA Grade: A). District 12: Republican Siobhan S. Dunnavant (NRA Grade: A) District 13: Republican Dick Black (NRA Grade : A), who is possibly the most extreme and craziest member of the Virginia General Assembly, which is saying a lot given the cast of characters there. District 17: Republican Bryce Reeves (NRA Grade: A) District 19: Republican David R. Suetterlein (NRA Grade: A) District 20: Republican Bill Stanley (NRA Grade: A) District 21: Both Republican Nancy Dye and Democrat John Edwards get "A" grades from the NRA, so you'll have to make your decision here on other issues such as Medicaid expansion and vote for Edwards. District 26: Republican Mark Obenshain (NRA Grade: A), the same extremist who has tried to criminalize women who have miscarriages. District 29: Republican Hal Parrish (NRA Grade: A-), who like Sturtevant pretends to be a moderate but is anything but. District 33: Republican Stephen B. Hollingshead (NRA Grade: A), who fortunately will lose handily to Democratic State Senator Jennifer Wexton. District 36: Republican Jerry Foreman (NRA Grade: A), who fortunately will lose (badly, most likely) to Democrat Scott Surovell. :) District 37: Republican Dave Bergman (NRA Grade: A), who will lose to Democratic State Senator Dave Marsden. District 39: Republican Joseph R. Murray (NRA Grade: A), who will lose to Democratic State Senator George Barker. House of Delegates ratings on the "flip"