

Whoa, Charlie Diradour Absolutely SLAMS Eric Cantor!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I LOVE this - go get'm Charlie!

*"Ideology for ideology's sake is not what the founders of this country had in mind"

*"Those pictures of my opponent, Eric Cantor, twittering on his Blackberry...while the President of the United States was speaking is, sadly, a metaphor for what's wrong with politics today."

*"We've reached a level of rudeness and incivility, of disrespect, if not downright demeaning those who don't agree with us that would never have been permitted by Democratic or Republican leaders in the past. It simply must stop and it's got to stop now."

*"We need somebody to represent us who has the middle class values that made this country great, not somebody who instead defines his values by how many TV shows he can be a talking head on."

*"I believe my opponent has just demonstrated why he's a card-carrying member of those who make up the most pampered, out of touch, and politically rude class of elite Washington politicians in this country's history."