
Advertising Looking Good!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I've got to admit, is looking good. True, I was a bit surprised to see a website named "" asking, "Do we really want a black helicopter-conspiracy theorist as the next attorney general of Virginia?" I was also scratching my head that Cooch's tinfoil-hat quote, "We are considering not getting a social security number... because it is being used to track you," is given prominent billing over there. And the quote by TooConservative that "Paranoid Cuccinelli is unelectable as AG"...wait, what's that doing there? mean someone who doesn't like Ken Cuccinelli grabbed "" before he did? Man, that's really a shame for Cooch, as "" is obviously the first place people would think of going when they want to find out information about Ken Cuccinelli. Such a shame... :)

P.S. No, I have nothing to do with this. In fact, I'm really curious who owns the domain name just so I can congratulate them on a job well done. LOL