ACDC Phones for 51You can find more campaign events on the ACDC calendar. I'm going to try to be at ACDC every Monday night this summer for phone banking. I know phone banking isn't for everyone -- some people find it awkward to call strangers in other parts of the state. But most people you talk to are pleasantly surprised to hear from a real person (not a robocall) and 90% of the time, you're just leaving voicemails anyway.
Where: ACDC Headquarters
When: Jul 27 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
What: Weekly phone banking to support Creigh Deeds, Jody Wagner and Steve Shannon, as well as regional Delegate candidates Luke Torian (52nd), Greg Werkheiser (42nd) and John Bell (13th).
And it's impossible not to have fun with people like Charley Conrad, Kip Malinosky, Chris Mehrabi and Josh Anderson working the lines. We actually had to tone it down last time -- we cracked up one of our fellow phone bankers just before an answering machine picked up and the resulting message was more giggles than talking points.
(Side lament for fellow Arlington foodies - it's so much harder to get motivated to go to Courthouse with Dr. Dremo's and King Street Blues closed. Nothing against Four Courts and Summers, but Courthouse is in desperate need of a cool, casual bar with good, cheap eats.)