Economy - Obviously both candidates are all about creating jobs, but Deeds intends to get there by supporting a comprehensive transportation plan and investing in green jobs. McDonnell's plan? Block unions from organizing (anti-employee free choice act) and more tax cuts for the rich; building a bridge back to the Bush economy.
Environment - Deeds is a big fan of high speed rail (and has a detailed plan), he opposes off-shore drilling for oil (although, not for natural gas), and includes a mandatory Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 22% by 2025. McDonnell, well... Palin may be gone, but "Drill baby Drill" is here to stay with Bob. RPS? Nope. And rail gets no priority over highways (pave baby pave, anyone?)
Education - Throughout the primary all Democratic candidates agreed on these three things: 1) Universal Pre-K. 2) Raise teacher salaries to the national average 3) Make college more affordable. Deeds's plan has become more detailed but the overall themes have remained the same. McDonnell - more charter schools (which numerous studies have concluded tend to slightly underperform public schools) and nothing about pre-K and teacher pay.
Transportation - Again, Deeds is a fan of high speed rail and in his first year as governor wants to pass a comprehensive plan. With McDonnell's plan, no new taxes yet more funding for highways, which naturally comes at the expense of education. The rest is a hodge-podge of commissions and new appointed officials. Seriously, read his plan and see if you can make sense of this muddle:
Health Care - Deeds has a plan for expanding health insurance to the unemployed and assisting families with elderly loved-ones living with them. McDonnell, the issue isn't listed.
Equality and Civil Rights - This issue has caused a lot of frustration with Deeds, but he voted against the Marshall-Newman Amendment in November (though not to have it on the ballot), he opposes all forms of employment discrimination, he supports hospital visitation rights and he is pro-choice. McDonnell was a co-sponsor of Marshall-Newman and is fervently pro-life.
Veterans - Deeds focuses on health and education benefits, whereas McDonnell seems more concerned with symbolic gestures such as a memorial wall and honoring the flag.
One last thing, it seems to me McDonnell is trying to run as Bush circa 2000, as the compassionate conservative, moderate Republican. Please let's not help them pull off this charade again.
This adds up to more than enough for me to go happily door-to-door for Creigh. I hope a few of you will join me or continue the fight through other means.