It looks like the photos from Steve Shannon's Southwest Virginia swing on the 4th of July
are now available. Also, see
Bryan Scrafford's account of the trip:
Traveling throughout Southwest Virginia, Steve visited 8 different towns, 6 different fairs, and participated in two parades during the holiday weekend. As someone who spent a fair amount of time in SWVA during the Lt. Governor primary, I can tell you that Steve’s message is one that will do very well in the region if he makes a strong effort to reach out to the hard working families there. These events are definitely one way of doing it, as well as reaching out to the media outlets which Steve did by being interviewed on TV in three different markets -- Bristol, Roanoke, Bluefield – which together cover over 1 million people in Virginia.
Meanwhile, it looks like Steve's extreme-right-wing opponent, Ken Cuccinelli, is
eager to campaign with Sarah Palin. According to Cooch's chief advisor, Chris "Swift Boats" LaCivita,
"From an issues standpoint ... on things like taxes, cap-and-trade, offshore drilling for natural gas and petroleum, there's no light between [Sarah Palin and Ken Cuccinelli] on those." Is there anything more we need to know about Cooch to decide not to vote for him? Anyway, I look forward to Sarah Palin campaigning across Virginia; it will be great fun, and also great for Democrats goshdarnit! :)