

McDonnell: $100,000 from Swift Boat Funders

Friday, July 17, 2009

According to a DPVA press release I just received, "Bob McDonnell has raised more than $100,000 from major donors to a pro-Bush smear group."
McDonnell raised $100,000 from top donors to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a pro-Bush front group that attacked Sen. John Kerry's service in the Vietnam War.

Bob Perry, a Bush confidante and the largest donor to Swift Boat Veterans, was McDonnell's third largest donor in the latest filing period. Perry, a Texas homebuilder, gave $25,000 to McDonnell on June 25, and Perry's wife chipped in another $25,000 on the same date.

The next day, another Swift Boater came to McDonnell's aid. On June 26, Paul Singer, a New York hedge fund billionaire and Swift Boat donor, chipped in $25,000 to McDonnell's campaign. Singer has now given $50,000 to McDonnell this year.

"These big, out of state donors went to extremes to elect George W. Bush, and now they're top donors to Bob McDonnell," said Leigh Anne Collier, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Virginia. "Virginia doesn't need their ugly politics and we sure don't need a governor who wants to be like George W. Bush."

Of course, this is the same Bob McDonnell who "praised President Bush's economic policies and said he'd follow them as governor."

By the way, I still haven't heard Bob McDonnell (or Bill Bolling or Ken Cuccinelli) condemn Catherine Crabill's call for violent, armed revolution against the U.S. government. By not condemning, does that mean they agree with her? Are they afraid of the tea partiers? Cat got their tongue? What?