

Joe Biden to Deliver "political broadside" Against Eric Cantor

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Good for Joe Biden.
Vice President Biden plans a political broadside this afternoon in the home district of Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), accusing the senior Republican lawmaker of joining in his party's smear of the $787 billion Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


Without naming Cantor directly, the rhetorical assault is aimed directly at the Richmond lawmaker, who has helped lead the Republican Party to its most effective message since Obama became president: that Obama's stimulus bill has not produced jobs.

In the weekly Republican radio address he delivered for his party last week, Cantor called the Recovery Act a "bill full of pork barrel spending, government waste and massive borrowing cleverly called 'stimulus.' Obama's economic decisions have not produced jobs, have not produced prosperity and simply have not worked."

Biden will take direct aim at that contention, citing tens of millions of dollars in stimulus money that have saved teacher jobs in Chesterfield County and police officers in Richmond.
I can't wait for the idiocy from Eric Cantor when he - inevitably - goes on the boob tube to prove that he can "talk and talk and talk and just say nothing" (as the jazz song goes) with the best worst of them. Ha.