This Farmville Herald editorial is highly impressive by almost any standard:
Rep. Perriello is our congressman now, a vital tool, and anybody would be a fool to work against him or turn their back on the opportunity and expertise he and his staff offer. If you want to vote for someone else in November of 2010, feel free, but in the meantime you’d be awfully silly and self-defeating not to put this guy to work for the needs of the district and the people of Virginia.
Tom Perriello is showing the same hunger to do the job after being elected that he did to win election in the first place and is demonstrating his effectiveness in ways even those who voted against him have been quick to applaud. His enthusiasm and commitment have been noted and appreciated even by long-time supporters of Virgil Goode, who have spoken warmly of the new congressman in private conversations with me.
The first hundred days have shown Tom Perriello is more than up to the job of being a good congressman for the people of the Fifth District. Everyone who values the people in our community, rather than a political party, is bound to be hoping his energy and effectiveness on our behalf last as long as he is our congressman.
The betting here is that his energy and effectiveness will surely last at least that long.
All I can add is that I am so proud to have been a Perriello netroots volunteer in 2008. I'm also proud that to have believed, from the first time I met Tom in January 2008 (and despite many sayers of "nay" - lol), that he could beat Virgil Goode. Vindication? Yeah, you could say that. Even better, Virginia has a superb new, progressive Congressman who I believe will be "setting the pace" and doing great things for many years to come. Tom, my friend, I'm proud of you!