1. Why, in your own words, have you decided to run for election/reelection to the Virginia House of Delegates from the 38th district at this time? What specific qualifications do you bring to the table?
1. I bring knowledge of my district. I have lived in or adjacent to my district my entire life. I think that I know my constituents and I have listened to their concerns.
2. I bring experience to the job. I served on Fairfax County boards and commissions for almost 19 years before being elected to office. I have served in the General Assembly for 17 years and I know how to get things done in Richmond.
3. I bring effectiveness to the job. I have sponsored legislation to prohibit firearms in recreation centers, consistently supported keeping abortions legal and available for women who choose to have them, helped secure millions of dollars in bonds to help build new road and rail projects in Northern Virginia, and fought to pass legislation that effectively bans smoking in restaurants in Virginia.
4. I have stood with Governors Mark Warner and Tim Kaine to ensure that Virginia is the best managed state in the nation, the most business-friendly state, and the place where children are the most likely to experience success.
2. How would you describe your political philosophy - progressive, moderate, conservative, or - to paraphrase Jim Webb - "the old political labels no longer apply?"
On fiscal matters, I am conservative and think that we need to preserve and protect Virginia’s triple-A credit rating. On other matters, I have a liberal or progressive viewpoint and I have fought to protect the civil rights, human rights, reproductive rights, worker’s rights, and civil liberties of the people of Virginia.
NOTE: I've moved Q&A's 3-12 to the comments section. Why doesn't Blogger software come with a "there's more" feature? Very annoying, as it means that long posts like this one take up the whole front page of the blog. Not good.