*"I grew up visiting the Nature Center, and [it] would break my heart to see it go."
*"With all the memories of many,many trips to gbnc with my father, why destroy something that is good in the community and teaches kids of all ages the beauty of the outdoors?"
*"My three daughters have benefitted greatly from having the Nature Center in our neighborhood. Their appreciation for the health of our environment and the creatures that inhabit it is a result of hundreds of visits there."
*"My children have enjoyed many educational and enriching classes at Gulf Branch; please save this wonderful resource for our children."
*"[D]ont we ruin nature enough already"
*"This is shocking that in this day and age we are not holding on tight to our true treasures. Our family has enjoyed many days at this nature center and grounds. I love the look, smell and cozy atmosphere the center has to offer. We love the bee exhibit, the reptiles, fish and the past resident owl. Please don't destroy a well love gentle old building, lets treasure it."
*"It is totally unlike Arlington County to take a step backwards or to be out of step with the times. Yes, we have an economic downturn currently, but the bigger problem by far is our ecological crisis. Please do not contribute to that crisis by closing the doors to a place that educates Arlington's citizenry present and future to the natural world we inhabit."
*"I will be absolutely heartbroken if the Nature Center is torn down. I have too many priceless memories of days spent there with my dad and little sister. Please, please don't destroy one of the best parts of Arlington County."
I couldn't agree more; Arlington has so little of the natural world left - heck, skunks can't even survive here, it's so paved over! - why on earth are we even THINKING of shutting down the Gulf Branch Nature Center? This is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard since I moved to Arlington in 1987. Apparently, thousands of my fellow Arlingtonians agree.