*"...not a leader...someone with a huge ego and Napoleon Complex. Is that what we need running RPV? A kid who has an ego problem?"
*"J. Fred deserves what he gets. Thanks for embarrassing the party."
*"...as with most narcissistic douchebags, Frederick just can’t get that through his thick skull."
*"There is a psychosis here: self-rightousness coupled with arrogance, incompetence, and juvenile smugness."
*"LI, by calling JF a “douche bag” you are defiling the good name of legitimate douches that millions of women across this globe use daily. How dare you belittle such a good product."
*" I don’t see how any reasonable Republican, no matter how conservative, can support Jeff Frederick remaining as RPV Chairman."
*"...every time I see the name Jeff Frederick my stomach starts to roll… or I laugh of the pure stupidity of it all."
(begin snark) Message to Jeff Frederick: ignore these fair-weather "Republicans," listen to us friendly Democrats (believe us, we only have your best interests and the interests of the RPV at heart!). Ergo, unlike your Republican "friends," we Democrats believe that you are doing a GREAT job as RPV chair! We further believe that you should fight for your rights against these upstart rebels, and that you should remain as RPV chairman for as long as human possibly - that would be "for life," I believe. :) Thanks for the great work you do and the visionary, courageous leadership you provide, Mr. Frederick. Fight on! (end snark)