

Obama Lays Down the Law on Insurance Companies, Says It's Time for Action

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Overall, I thought this was an excellent speech - intelligent, direct, passionate, strong in his principles (including support for a public option) yet still willing to find common ground, calling out the right wingnuts' crazy claims for what they are (lies) - by President Obama. I thought that Republican "leaders" Eric Cantor and John Boehner looked really bad sitting there stone faced, with Cantor even checking his Blackberry (how disrespectful can you get?). I also thought that Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina hit a new low in American politics, making Republicans look nasty and crazy by shouting out "You lie!" when Obama said that his health care plan wouldn't cover illegal immigrants. What next, "Get off my damn lawn?!?"

Now, here are a few interesting tweets.

Mark Warner
"Happy to hear clear focus on cost. Inaction is unfair to consumers, makes business uncompetitive & will bankrupt our gov't."
"Also glad he called out 'death panel' scare tactics. Whether malice or ignorance, it disrespects families dealing w/ aging issues."
"Appreciated Pres' bipartisan tone. Let's keep what works, fix what's broken. We agree on 80%."

Peter Hamby, CNN
"John McCain calls Wilson's shout 'totally disrespectful. He should apologize immediately.'"
"Olympia Snowe issues warm statement, but notes: 'I would have preferred that the [public option] were taken off the table'"
"Specter gushes: Obama speech was 'inspirational with a substantive, pragmatic blueprint for comprehensive insurance healthcare reform'"
"CNN Poll, just released: Support for Obama's health care plans jumped 14 points among those who watched speech"

UPDATE: Creigh Deeds issues a statement on President Obama's speech.
The President challenged all of us to help solve America’s health care crisis. I think Democrats and Republicans all agree that rising health care costs are a problem that must be solved. Like all Virginians, I hope our Congressional leadership will reform the system so our businesses stay competitive and families get the medical care they deserve. And as Governor, I will continue to fight to make health care affordable and accessible to all.