

McDonnell Campaign Frantically Tries to Counter Theocratic Thesis Damage

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is hilarious.
Star City Harbinger was forwarded an internal email from the McDonnell campaign to supporters in a county GOP committee. In the email, McDonnell campaign spokesperson Taylor Thornley instructs supporters regarding how to write Letters to the Editor of their local newspapers to counter press accounts of Mr. McDonnell’s 20-year old thesis at Regent University–“The Republican Party’s Vision for the Family: The Compelling Issue of The Decade”–which sets out moral principles overtly critical of women, welfare recipients and the gay and lesbian community.

Thornley lays out 30 “talking points” for McDonnell campaign supporters to use in their Letters to the Editor in local and regional newspapers.


One of Thornley’s suggested historical allusions is the falling of the Berlin Wall.
Aside from the Berlin Wall reference ("This paper is from before the Berlin Wall fell"), a few of my favorite talking points include:

*"When Bob wrote it he was interning on Capitol Hill with the House Republican Policy Committee." (ha, that's supposed to make it better?!?)

*"The Washington Post ran a hit piece on Bob about an academic paper he wrote decades ago during the Reagan era" (love the mention of Reagan...but again, is that supposed to make it better?!?)

*"Like everybody, (including Creigh who always talks about being a “work in progress” who “changes everyday”) Bob’s views on many issues have changed as he has gotten older." (riiiight...and the evidence that "Bob's views...have changed" is?!?)

Finally, there's this classic:

*"What’s more important, a decades old academic paper or Bob’s record in statewide office?" (yes, everyone, please do look at Bob McDonnell's legislative record and judge for yourself)

In short, the core argument of the McDonnell campaign appears to be that now that "Barefoot and Pregnant" Bob's a gubernatorial candidate - when he has every motivation in the world to minimize and cover up his extreme views - he suddenly doesn't believe anything he believed his entire life. Got it! Ha.

P.S. Nice job by Star City Harbinger on this story!