

"Lord" "Birther" [UPDATE: And "Death Panel" Cosponsor!] Boustany to Deliver Republican Response

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yes, this is the Republican "birther" dude, Congressman/"Lord" Charles Boustany, who will be delivering the Republican response to President Obama's health care reform address tonight. Why am I not surprised that someone who isn't even sure Barack Obama was born in the United States is the person the Republicans came up with? Let's just start calling it the "batshit crazy" party.

P.S. You'll be shocked to know that "Lord" Boustany the "birther" received a lifetime "Progressive Punch" score of 2.00 (out of 100) on "crucial votes." That ranks him #358 in the House of Representatives, approaching Eric Cantor and Michelle Bachmann levels of rightwingnuttiness.

UPDATE: Boustany was an original cosponsor of legislation that would have provided for voluntary end-of-life counseling, aka the infamous "death panels" (as crazy Sarah Palin called them, even though they're totally bipartisan and should be utterly noncontroversial). That's right, the Republican delivering the response to Obama tonight is the guy who cosponsored "death panels!" LOL